Watch our video and then read about our trip below
Southford Falls State Park is a small park located in Southbury CT featuring a waterfall and hikes along the river. We made it here during a small heat wave and were pleasantly surprised how cool the entire park was, thanks in no small part to the breeze coming off the falls. Like many CT parks, the waterfall was located adjacent to the parking lot and so the hike we took was to go see the covered bridge, river side boardwalk and the fire tower.

Sadly, my DSLR was still down for the count and so this was the second park where we couldn't get good photos. With that said, this is still a very photogenic park and there was someone doing a professional shoot IN the falls while we were there. The entire park is essentially one big loop with the fire tower hill in the middle. We simply followed the water fall all the way down it's many drops and crossed the covered bridge.

Shortly after crossing the river you'll come upon the "boardwalk". Okay... how do I put this? Don't expect a serious boardwalk or anything. This is pretty much some 2x4's to make walking over the marsh easier. Directly after this is an area we found locals swimming in; the river here is shallow and fast moving, and our dog enjoyed cooling off on this hot day.
The rest of the hike was a simple climb a few hundred feet up the hill where we found the "Fire Tower". Sadly it didn't provide much a view but it was still something fun to climb up as a reward for the hike. Now you can choose to finish the loop and come out by the pond near the start or simply head back the way you came. Either choice is similar distance and there isn't much to see on the second half of the loop.
All in all this is a pretty little state park worth a quick visit if you're nearby and the water fall is fantastic. Just don't come here expecting serious hiking or a full day experience.
Great hike and beautiful waterfall, loved it