Watch our video and then read about the trip below
Every CT blogger I follow talks about this cute little trail called the Branford Trolley trail.
How did I not know about this place growing up? I spent half of my life living only a few miles away! Located on shore near the Thimble Islands, this small path is perfect for walking or biking and connects to two small woodland preserves.

We followed the GPS directions, which took us to neither of the large parking lots located on either end, but rather to the middle of the trail, in the woods, with 3 unmarked parking spaces. I guess this wouldn't be MikeGetLost if I didn't mention how often we manage to get lost... by we I mean me. There seemed to be no one around and we gathered up the dog and headed down the hill to the main path way... only to discover a huge number of people walking, biking, bird watching, and taking Instagram photos. This place is not quiet due to the covid restrictions and it seems that it's much more well known then I thought.
We walked to the eastern side of the trail first, discovered the foot bridge that the trail is so popular for, a large amount of graffiti under another bridge, and a small seating area next to the shore. This part of the trail gives great views of the thimble islands, another place that's wonderful to visit, but this section is very small. The western part of the trail is a concrete walking path that spans the marsh between the parking lots. Here we found a number of bird watchers enjoying a family of Osprey and their 3 babies. I had to stop and take a bunch of photos!
After we reached the western parking lot we decided to explore the Goss preserve. This is the smaller of the two preserves they have here and can only be described as chipmunk heaven. Trying to keep our dog moving with this many chipmunks in the area was a challenge, and the brave little guys even ran across the trail as if to tease her!
Again we managed to get lost, circumnavigating half of a golf course and finding a cliff by the train tracks before relocating the original trail and making our way back into and around the preserve.
This is one of those trails that is a favorite of locals for good reason. While the main trail is tiny, if you hike into the preserves you can have a nice little day hike... okay half day hike. With all the wild life here, you might become a nature photographer for the day like I did!