The Whitestone Cliffs is a trail with a Cascade and a vista located just north of waterbury in the town of Plymouth

Our first hike of the spring has arrived! We were looking for something relatively quick to test out my mostly recovered knee when I discovered the Whitestone Cliffs. Located just a few exits north of Waterbury, this Plymouth Connecticut Hike had a vista and a waterfall that wasn't listed on my map. At 1.7 Miles this short trail has just enough elevation for a good view and a good sweat.

Okay, so it wasn't a waterfall but rather more of a cascade... but still, it's the biggest cascade I've found that wasn't listed in any of my books and research for our state! To get to the loop you'll take a right at the fork and a right to head over a small bridge. We then hiked counter clockwise, heading up the small over grown trail that is easy to miss. This brings you to the cascade first and the vista second.

The view is pretty great at the top. Either side of the trail is pretty steep, not that it bothered the dog! There's plenty of space up here to enjoy despite that popularity and we did see quite a few folks. If you want to come straight to the vista, it's only a few minutes from the initial foot bridge on the way down, so the climb up would be very quick. This is definitely a fun little trail that is family friendly, just watch out when crossing the top of the cascade!